Our Kehilla is proud to offer many regular Shiurim as well as special Shiurim, which are all open to the entire community. We encourage you to take full advantage of the many learning opportunities we provide.
Below, we present a listing of these Shiurim. Please note that times and locations may change without notice; you're encouraged to consult the Weekly Bulletin for any changes.
Daf Yomi Shiurim
Shiurim are held in the Shul's Shiur Room as noted on the bottom of the main website page.
Shabbos Shiurim
- Mikroh Lecture (open to all) – Rotating speakers
(Seasonal – early Friday nights after Shul) - Mishna Berura Shiur (for men) – Rabbi Joel Stern
(in shul, one hour before Mincha) - Sisterhood Parsha Shiur (for ladies) – Rotating speakers
Weekday Shiurim
- Mussar (for men) – Rabbi Joel Stern
(Meets after the 7:30 am Sunday minyan in the Shiur Room) - Rebbetzin's Navi Shiur (for ladies) – Rebbetzin Mantel
(Tuesdays at 10:15; meets in the Agudah)
- Rav's Mishna Berura Shiur (for men) – Rav Mantel
(Following Mincha/Maariv on Sundays) - Gemara Kiddushin (for men) – Rabbi Avi Rogin
(Meets Monday evenings in the Shiur Room and by phone) - Gemara (for men) – Dr. David Bechhofer
(Monday and Wednesday evenings; meets at 50 Overlook Terrace, Apt. 1B) - Rav's Minchas Chinuch Shiur (for men) – Rav Mantel
(Meets in Shul on Tuesday evenings) - Chumash Shiur (open to all) – Rotating guest speakers
(Thursday evenings by phone) - Daf Yomi - See main web page
Tue, December 3 2024 2 Kislev 5785