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Join our Shul

Thank you for your interest in joining K'hal Adath Jeshurun.

We are a full-service community providing a wide range of services towards the goal of leading Torah-true lives. Our core values include promoting the study of Torah, uncompromising adherence to Halacha, and active involvement in the rendering of kindness to others.

Dignity and decorum are the hallmark of our prayer services, and we provide an extensive selection of regular Shiurim on a wide range of topics, have a vibrant Sisterhood, and have numerous committees serving the needs of our membership. We extend a warm welcome to all those who wish to participate and call our Kehilla home.


Membership Forms

Should you wish to become a member, please fill out the appropriate form and send it in to the office.

We also encourage you to stop by our office to introduce yourself, and regularly attend our minyanim and many Shiurim, as well as lend yourself to volunteer on one of our committees. Active participation is essential to ensure a fulfilling experience with us.


Dues and Optional Pledges

Our dues are as follows, and are billed quarterly:

  • Family Membership: $400 annually
  • Single Professional Membership: $280 annually
  • Family Student Membership: $280 annually
  • Single Student Membership: $180 annually
  • Seats: Aisle – $51, Regular – $39 annually

Optional pledges are added to your bill quarterly:

  • Security: $15
  • Eretz Yisroel: $9
  • Russian Jewish Education: $1.50
  • Areivus Tzedaka: $9
    (Fund for members who are unemployed)
  • Mishmeres Stam: $1.50
  • Pikuach nefesh/Jewish babies in Eretz Yisroel $3
Wed, January 15 2025 15 Teves 5785