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Youth Programming

We provide diverse array of well-attended activities and programming, all open to the neighborhood youth. Below is just a sampling of what we offer.

Pirchei and Bnos

Our Kehilla, in conjunction with Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America, is proud to offer a wide range of programming for the boys and girls grades 1-8 of the greater community, including, Shabbos afternoon groups, trips, and regional Shabbatons.
Weekly updates will be posted on the bulletin boards in the Shul lobby, online, in the Weekly Bulletin, and in the following other neighborhood Shuls:
  • Beis Hamedrash Yeshurun
  • Mount Sinai Jewish Center
  • Dombrov
  • Aguda

For additional information, please contact:
Rabbi Menachem Kunofsky, Director    (917) 538-4493 (call/text)

Avos U'Banim

Avos U'Banim ‎father-and-son learning takes place at the Aguda every Motzoei Shabbos during the long winter Motzoei Shabbosos, for 1st through 8th grade boys and their fathers, as part of the international Avos Ubanim program. Prizes and snacks are awarded weekly.

Sponsorships are available and are vital for the continuation of the progra
m. Contact Yosef Levi at 212-568-6111 or to sponsor a week.


Please check the Weekly Bulletin for updates.


Likras Shabbos

The Likras Shabbos program of Washington Heights is part of an international program geared for boys of grades 3 - 8.  The goal is to create an atmosphere of increased awareness of Kedushas Shabbos.  Scheduled to meet in a classroom downstairs in the shul building 40 minutes before KAJ's Mincha Erev Shabbos, the boys come all dressed and ready for Shabbos.  Snacks (often Kugel!) and drinks, as well as raffle prizes, are provided courtesy of parents and sponsors.

The American Likras Shabbos organization, based in Lakewood, provides the beautifully illustrated Sifrei Halacha which are used as the basis of the Shiur; we are currently learning Hilchos Bishul B'Shabbos. Rabbi Hoffman, who conducts the Shiur, enhances each session with a D'var Torah and relevant story about the Parsha.
This program meets during the spring, summer and early fall.  When the Friday afternoons are shorter, the Motzoei Shabbos Avos U'Banim program fills the void for our budding Talmidei Chachomim.
Sponsorships are appreciated.  Please go to our page to sponsor.
Mon, September 9 2024 6 Elul 5784