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The Choir of K'hal Adath Jeshurun

The Choir has been a feature of our Shul from its inception and represents a direct link to the Kehilla in Frankfurt, which also had a choir.  The Choir is composed of men and boys of the Kehilla who perform on Shabbos and Yom Tov throughout the year, except for the summer months of July and August.  The portions of the Tefillos which feature the Choir are:  L’cho Dodi, Mizmor Shir L’Yom HaShabbos and Sholom Rov (Friday evening);  Vayehi Binsoa, Hodo al Eretz, Mizmor L’Dovid, Uvnucho Yomar, Ein Keilokeinu and An’im Zemiros (Shabbos morning and Yom Tov morning); portions of Hallel; Shir HaMa’alos Ashrei Kol Y’rei HaShem (Motzoei Shabbos) and Ma Tovu and Yigdal (Yom Tov evening).  The music is drawn primarily from the classical oeuvre which was composed for Western European choirs – Lewandowski, Japhet, Naumburg and Mombach – and also features some compositions by contemporary composers including Carlebach and Seymour Silbermintz, who was the Choir’s musical director for close to 40 years. 

The Choir consists of four sections – first tenor, second tenor, alto and baritone.  It meets regularly for rehearsals, currently on Tuesday evenings on a bi-weekly basis. 

The Choir’s musical director is Cantor Eric Freeman, who rehearses with and trains the Choir and also joins them in Shul frequently.  The Choir’s conductor is Samson R. Bechhofer, whose career with the Choir started when he joined the boys’ section.  He has been the conductor for close to 30 years.

The Choir also performs at weddings (the traditional Ma Tovu, Boruch Habo and Shir HaMa’alos) and gives concerts and special performances from time to time. 

Membership in the Choir is open to all with the proviso that applicants have both an ear for music and a good voice and, most importantly, a commitment to daven in Shul regularly. 

Additionally, we present on this page a small sampling of recent recordings as well as a "blast from the past". However, nothing can compare to hearing the choir in Shul on Shabbos – and we hope to see you there soon.










The Choir of K'hal Adath Jeshurun today


The Choir of the Israelitische Religionsgesellschaft in Frankfurt, directed by Max Neumann.

Vintage Choir Videos

Wed, February 12 2025 14 Shevat 5785