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About the Kehilla

K'hal Adath Jeshurun ("KAJ") is a comprehensive Orthodox Jewish community located in the historic Washington Heights neighborhood of upper Manhattan in New York City. KAJ offers a variety of Torah classes, an Elementary Yeshiva for boys and girls, a Bais Yaakov Middle School for girls, a Mesivta High School for boys, a Beis Midrash and Kollel, a Mikveh, a Kashrus supervisory organization, a Senior Social Club, a Shaatnez Laboratory, a Chevra Kadisha, a free loan fund, mohelim, and community programming throughout the year. Led by Rav Yisroel Mantel, KAJ offers the guidance of a team of rabbanim including dayanim Rav Yaakov Posen and Rav Meir Levi (Rav of our Monsey branch).

Descending from the famed Kehilla of the world-famous scholar and Torah personality Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch of Frankfurt, Germany, KAJ follows in the tradition of Rav Hirsch's philosophy of "Torah im Derech Eretz", which encourages the application of Torah to life and society under the dominion of Torah without any compromise of loyalty to Torah and its precepts. Torah study is a core value of the Kehilla and there are many intensive Shiurim and learning programs at various levels for men and women of all ages.

KAJ follows Minhag Ashkenaz ("German") in its liturgical text, practices, and melodies and has its own choir, one of many unique features of its Tefillah (prayer) services. Held in a beautiful and elegant edifice that seats 700 people, Tefillah at KAJ is renowned for its regality, dignity, orderliness, and beautiful and ancient melodies.

While KAJ was founded and continues in the German Jewish tradition, it is open and welcoming to Jews from all backgrounds. As a close-knit community, the atmosphere at KAJ minyanim and social gatherings is warm and friendly. We extend to all a full-hearted invitation to join our community – whether as a full member who lives in the neighborhood or out of town, as many do, or as participant in any of our classes or events that interest you.


Wed, February 12 2025 14 Shevat 5785