KAJ has many committees which all play a role in keeping our activities running smoothly and efficiently. If you feel that you'd be able to help, please be sure to let us know.
Synagogue Committee
Our Synagogue Committee is vital for ensuring that davening in our Shul runs like clockwork. From assigning Baalei Tefillah to giving out Aliyos, this committee is one of our most active, with at least one member present at every Minyan.
Mr. Albert Blank
Mr. Shmuel Bodenheim
Mr. Alan Ettlinger
Rabbi Jackie Fulda
Mr. Gerald G. Lanzkron
Mr. Leslie E. Lewin
Mr. Ralph Mansbach
Rabbi Schemuel van Messel
Mr. Henry Rosenberg
Rabbi Sidney Strauss
Welcoming Committee
This committee's main responsibility is to make new faces in our Shul feel welcome, by greeting them and by making sure they have a Shabbos Meal to go to.
David A. Hoff, Chairman
Men's Division
Mr. Harvey Basker
Mr. Albert Blank
Mr. Eric Freeman
Mr. Joey Gutmann
Mr. Ezra Hes
Mr. Yosef Levi
Mr. Scott Smith
Mr. Josh Spoerri
Ladies' Division
Mrs. Grace Aschkenasy
Mrs. Helen Ettlinger
Ms. Riva Gottesman
Mrs. Shuli Gutmann
Mrs. Bertha Jacobovits
Mrs. Esty Rogin
Mrs. Chava Torand
Ms. Shayna Weinberg Gordon
Ms. Aura Weltman
House Committee
The House Committee keeps our physical plant in good repair, and oversees any improvements to our facility. If you notice something which needs repair, please email or speak to a committee member.
Mr. Avram J. Gutmann, Chairman
Mr. Alan Ettlinger
Rabbi Dr. Johny Hellmann
Mr. Yosef Levi
Mr. Leslie E. Lewin
Mr. Victor Sussman