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Thursday Night Chumash Shiurim Archive

01/24/2023 04:57:20 PM


Click here for Haazinu Yom Kippur 5784

Click here for Netzovon-VaYelech 5783

Click here for Noso 5783

Click here for Bamidbar 5783

Click here for Bhar Bechukosai 5783

Click here for Emor 5783

Click here for Acharei Kedoshim 5783

Click here for Tazria Metzora 5783

Click here for Vayikra Pesach 5783

Click here for VaYakel Pekudei 5783

Click here for Ki Sisa 5783

Click here for Tetzave 5783

Click here for Teruma 5783

Click here for Mishpotim 5783

Click here for Yisro 5783

Click here for Beshalach 5783

Click here for Bo 5783

Click here for Vaeira 5783

Click here for Shemos 5783

Click here for Vayechi 5783

Click here for Vayeshev 5783

Click here for Vayishlach 5783

Click here for Vayetzei No Shiur 5783

Click here for Toledos 5783

Click here for Chaya Soro 5783

Click here for Vayera 5783

Click here for Lech Lecha 5783

Click here for Noach 5783

Click here for Bereishis 5783

Click here for Nizotvim 5782 / R"H 5783

Click here for Ki Sovo 5782

Click here for Ki Tzetzei 5782

Click here for B'haaloscha 5782

Click here for Noso 5782

Click here for Bamidbor 5782

Click here for Bechukosai 5782

Click here for Behar 5782

Clichere for Rabbi M Bamberger Emor 5782

Click here for Rabbi M Katzenstein Kedoshim 5782

Click here for Rabbi A Steinharter Acharei 5782

Click here for Rabbi Y Gugenheim Vayikra 5782

Click here for Rabbi D Katzenstein Pekudei 5782

Click here for Rabbi A Mansbach Vayakel 5782

Click here for Rabbi N Hoff Ki Tzisa 5782

Click here for Rabbi D Schwab Tetzave 5782

Click here for Rabbi E Horowitz Terumah 5782

Click here for Rabbi Y Stern Mishpotim 5782

Click here for Rabbi Y Moller Yisro 5782

Click here for Rabbi Z Nussbaum Beshalach 5782

Click here for Rabbi Y Levy Bo 5782

Click here for Rabbi N Hoff Voayra 5782

Click here for Rabbi Gottesman Shemos 5782

Click here for Rabbi Z Hoff Vayechi 5782

Click here for Rabbi Z Basch Vayigash 5782

Click here for Rabbi E Berger Miketz 5782

Click here for Rabbi M Bamberger Vayishlach 5782

Click here for Rabbi Y Stern Vayetze 5782

Click here for Rabbi A David Toledos 5782

Click here for Chaya Soro 5782

Click here for Rabbi A Mansbach Vayeira 5782

Click here for Rabbi Y Gugenheimer Lech Lecho 5782

Click here for Rabbi Moshe Katzenstein Bereishis 5782

Click here for the Noveminske Rebbe Y"K 5782

Click here for Rabbi Zvi Nussbaum Shelach

Click here for Rabbi Moshe Bamberger Noso

Click here for Rabbi Allen David Bamidbor

Click here for Rabbi Y Stern Bhar Bechukosai

Click here for Rabbi A Brown Parshas Emor

Click gere for Rabbi Z Basch Parshas Acharei Kedoshim

Click here for Rabbi A Mansbach Parshas Tazrea Metzora

Click here for Rabbi R Hoff Parshas Shemini

Click here for Rabbi Lipa Geldwirth Pre Pesach 

Click here for Rabbi Y Guggenheimer Pre Pesach Parshas Vayikra

Click here for Novorminsker Pre Pesach Parshas Vayakel-Pekudei

Click here for Rabbi M Katzenstein Parshas Ki Sisa / Poro

Click here for Rabbi M Wechsler Parshas Mishpotim / Shekolim

Click here for Rabbi Y Moller Parshas Yisro

Click here for Rabbi C Kohn Parshas Beshalach

Click here for Rabbi D Katzenstein Parshas Bo

Click here for Rabbi M Bamberger Parshas Voeira

Click here for Rabbi S Thau Parshas Shemos

Click here for Rabbi M Stern Parshas Vayechi

Click here for Rabbi A Lustiger Parshas Vayigash

Click here for Rabbi Y Cohen Parshas Miketz

Click here for Rabbi Y Levy Parshas Vayeshev

Click here for Rabbi Z Nussbaum  Parshas Vayishlach

Click here for Rabbi A David Parshas Toledos

Click here for Rabbi E Horowitz Part 1   Part 2 Parshas Chaya Soro 5781

Click here for Rabbi J Stern Parshas Vayeira 5781

Click here for Rabbi N Hoff Parshas Lech Lecho 5781

Click here fo Rabbi A Mansbach Parshas Noach 5781

Click here for Rabbi Yirmiyohu Guggenheim Parshas Bereishis 5781

Click here for Rabbi Lipa Geldwirth Parshas Haazinu 5781

Click here for the Noviminsk Erev Rosh Hashanna 5781

Click here for Rabbi Noson Lowenthal Parshas Netzavim Vayelech 5880

Click here for Rabbi Yitzchok Bechhofer Parshas Tazria Mezorah 5880

Click here for Rabbi Azriel Brown Parshas Acharei Kedoshim 5880

Click here for Rabbi Elisha Horowitz Parshas Emor 5880

Click here for Rabbi Ezriel Erlanger Parshas Bhar Bechukosai 5880

Click here for Azkoro for Rav Perlow 06-04-20 Parshas Noso 5880

Click here for Rabbi Avi Mansbach Parshas Shelach 5880

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784