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Welcome to our Shul!

K'hal Adath Jeshurun – Washington Heights, Manhattan, NY

Rav Dr. Joseph Breuer זצ"לi (1939-1980); Rav Shimon Schwab זצ"לI (1958-1995); 
Rav Zachariah Gelley זצ"לI (1987-2018)
Rabbinate: Rav Yisroel Mantel שליט״א

We have provided a special dedicated link for you to demonstrate your loyalty and concern for the continuing viability of our Kehilla here.

Newsletters and Bulletins

GSEM 5784

Friday, Oct 6 12:49pm


Friday, Oct 6 12:41pm

GSEM 5783

Friday, Oct 7 1:41pm


Thursday Night Chumash Shiurim 

Wednesday, Jan 25 7:04pm

Parshas Bo 5783

President's Message

Welcome to the online home of K’hal Adath Jeshurun.
We are a vibrant and energetic congregation in Washington Heights, proudly serving the community since 1939.

KAJ – or “Breuer’s” as we are also known, is a full-service community, providing a wide range of services and programs
to meet the needs of our members and friends. We have
daily minyanim, stimulating Shiurim, special events and
speakers, and much more – providing everything necessary
to live as Shomrei Torah u’Mitzvos.

Please take a look around our site and see what we have
to offer.

I look forward to greeting you personally soon.
Alan Ettlinger

Daf Yomi Winter Schedule

Sunday 6:45 AM in Shiur Room or ES,

Monday and Wednesday (MG) 8:30PM click here for zoom

Tuesday (HI) Before 8PM Maariv in Shiur Room or

Thursday (VS) Before Maariv in the Shiur Room (VS) or  if zoom HTTPS://

Friday (SB) After 1st Minyan

Other (ES)

Shabbos 1 hour before Mincha (see Luach)

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785